Thanksgiving Break

I hope everyone has some fun plans for Thanksgiving and will be able to spend plenty of time relaxing with loved ones. Here is a quick reminder for a few things this week and next weeks schedule....

We will have morning practice tomorrow ( Wednesday 22 ) from 6-10

We are also cheering at the Vivant Smart home arena for the girls Basketball game. We opted not to ride with the girls basketball team because in years past we have had to stay a lot longer than anticipated. We chose to have parents drive the girls down there so you can leave as soon as it is done.

The game starts at 1:00. Please be there at 12:45. White Uniform, hair in a braided back pony tail. Ridge Bow.

We DO NOT have practice this saturday!

A Look into Next Week Nov 27- Dec 2

Extra practices: Wednesday from 6-9
                           Saturday from 6-10 ( meet in the dance room to start )

On Friday December 1st we are going as a TEAM to watch Tarzan.... Tickets are $5 for NHS students. We sent a text about this at the end of September so we hope to have everyone make it!

Full calendars will be posted tomorrow for all of December!

See you tomorrow!


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