Car Wash

Here is the information for the car wash on September 16th! This fundraiser is to raise money for nationals. The money from the tickets that are PRE SOLD will go directly to the girl who sold them. Money earned on the day of the car wash will go into the cheer account to be used for the team.

This is a great chance to try and earn the first payment of nationals, which is $200. Like any fundraiser it takes work and talking to people, so please take advantage of this easy way to earn money and help your parents out!! Post on social media and share with friends and family!

When you pre sale a ticket please initial in the top right hand corner that they have paid. Also remind them they need to bring this ticket with them on the day of the car wash.

All money must be turned into the office... You need to keep a list of your pre sold tickets and receipts so I can make sure it gets divided up right in the account.

Thanks again and have a great weekend!!


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